Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why I'm Taking RTF 305

I decided to take RTF 305 because I hope to eventually major in RTF. The entertainment industry has always been an interest of mine. I loved watching movies and learning about movies growing up and hope to one day work in the entertainment industry (don't really know what I want to do in it yet, I just know I want to do it). However, having a passion for entertainment and knowing the ins and outs of the industry are two very different things, so what I hope to get out of this class is some actual knowledge to flesh out my passion. Beyond this class, I hope that by majoring in RTF I fine tune my currently very basic skills (currently limited to making farewell videos and 2 minute pump up videos) and maybe actually do something worthwhile with films someday.

Speaking of those videos, here is a farewell video I made for my swim coach in high school. Its on facebook, not youtube, but I set it so anyone can watch it. If you can't view it and feel the urge to watch it, just comment on my blog and I'll put it on youtube when I can. Also, its pretty long so feel free not to watch it. But if you do you'll end up seeing my secret useless talent--in all modesty I think I'm pretty good at making end credit sequences.

part 1:
part 2:


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