Sunday, October 31, 2010

From Dusk Till Dawn- A film in three acts

A film I am familiar with that has three distinct acts is From Dusk Till Dawn. Directed by Robert Rodriguez, the film follows 2 brothers who robbed a bank and are trying to make their way across the border to Mexico to meet up with a guy who said he'd hide them there. Most of the movie acts as a setup for the final climax in the third act, and the 2 acts leading up to it each add to the buildup in their own way.

Act one serves as an exposition and intro to the characters we care about in this movie. We are introduced to the two main characters, brothers Seth and Richie Gecko (George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino, respectively) when an officer finds them in a store and they kill him and the store clerk in a gunfight. The film then reveals that they have a hostage from the bank they robbed. Through this hostage (and her ensuing rape and murder) the audience learns that Richie is quite unstable and is something of a responsibility for seth. Seth and Richie then see an RV that they could use to get across the border, and we are introduced to 3 other main characters- Jacob, an old pastor, his son Scott and his daughter Kate. The deal they make is the first real turning point of the movie: if Jacob gets Seth and Richie across the border to Mexico, they don't kill him and his kids. They take the RV to a border checkpoint, where the audience is treated to the first climax of the movie when they almost get caught. Act 1 ends with them arriving at the Titty Twister strip club, where they are to meet the guy whose gonna hide them at dawn (its night time at this point) and where the rest of the movie takes place.

Act 2 begins with the crew immediately encountering obstacles in the way of reaching their goal (which is waiting in the strip club for Seth and Richie's guy). The bouncer won't let them in and violence between him, Seth, and Richie ensues. Another obstacle occurs right when they finally get in the club when the bartender also attempts to make them leave, saying that the club is only for bikers and truckers. Luckily, Jacob's RV license says he's a trucker, so the bartender allows them to stay and the second obstacle is defeated. The setup for the films climax then begins when Salma Hayek's stripper character makes her appearance and begins a long dance. During the dance, the bouncer who the Gecko's attacked is still pissed about their altercation earlier and gathers a crew of bikers to take them on. Act 2 culminates with them fighting again and Richie getting stabbed in the hand. The blood causes Salma Hayek's character to attack him and reveal her true self: she is a vampire. We've reached the end of act two and the midpoint of the movie.

Act 3 is almost entirely comprised of violent, bloody chaos as our main characters and a couple of other strip club patrons find out the hard way that every employee of the Titty Twister is in fact a vampire. The buildup to the final climax of the film includes Richie being transformed into a vampire and Seth killing him, and the surviving humans gathering tools necessary to kill vampires (stakes, holy water, etc.). Once prepared for the fight, the film climaxes with Jacob being turned into a vampire and making his kids promise to kill him when he does, Scott hesitating at killing his father and being turned into a vampire himself (not before killing his father though), and Kate quickly killing her brother to avoid meeting the same fate as him. When the final battle is over, Seth and Kate are the only remaining survivors. The denouement occurs when they finally leave the strip club and it is in fact dawn outside. Seth meets his contact and convinces him to take less than the agreed share because of everything he went through, and the film ends with a zoomed out shot of the Titty Twister, which turned out to be the top of an Aztec temple.

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